Teach Your Kid about MoneyCopyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom
When I married, I knew I didn’t want any children.
This was based on my upbringing and how my father treated us 3 kids and how I treated my younger siblings. I wanted no part of it. I was content going to work and spending my money on ME.
Ok, fast forward 15 years.
I am holding the most blessed creation on this earth in my arms. And I can’t think of nothing but this little bundle of joy. As it turns out, he is the only one God has chosen to bless me with.
My son has taught me more about life in his 12 young years than I have had in the previous 30.
When I would go shopping, I was buying anything I thought would make his life better and easier than mine was when I was his age. What a turn-around.
This boy has his own computer, x-box, TV and TWO rooms in the house all to himself.
When he has a few dollars saved, he is always looking to spend every last cent on something that I know I will be stepping on next week.
I need to turn this money monster around before it’s too late!
So, I have been getting him involved in what is possible with a home based business. And he and I are members of the Insiders Club at RichDad.com where they stress the importance of financial education, especially to children. They are our future leaders, you know.
My main goal is to be a stay-at-home mom, and this is the very vehicle that I am using:
I show him how my Plug-in Profits website has several revenue streams that he too, can join and promote for his own benefit. I show him also how it makes it very easy for me to promote with its built in support system and many coaches that are all included for the minuscule start-up costs.
Here is where I had my website setup (for FREE) and then I was given a 30 day plan that showed me how to get subscribers to my private email series (also free) and how to do an assortment of great traffic building how-to’s, like setting up a Blog, and writing articles, SEO, and Google, and offline and word-of mouth advertising. I know I left something out. You should check it out.
Children are very aware of what we the grown-ups are doing and it registers in their minds as what is considered normal. They absorb it all. Weather they see us doing good or bad that is their impression of the world.
So I have chosen to let him see the entrepreneur and by my actions I hope to teach him that he can make it in this life by working for himself and not to have to rely on a paycheck and the government to take care of him.
I am insisting he present me with a bill of sale when he does something for me that require a payment, such as a special chore. I learned this from reading Rich Kid, Smart Kid by Robert Kiyosaki.
For Example: He wanted an XBOX 360. So rather than just buying it for him, he made up a payment schedule to pay back the ‘loan’ until the thing was paid. And I ‘loaned’ him the money. Each week he would deduct his income from his chores and draw up the balance owning.
This gets him in the right mindset of credit. And the Xbox broke before he had it paid for. Guess who’s still paying for it? We’ll get an extended warranty on the next one.
To him, this is normal life.
What 7th grade kid can tell you what ROI stands for?
My Home Biz Kid can!
And you know what? I’m helping him on his own website, HOMEBIZKID.COM which will
also have his own products for sale. Stay Tuned…
About the Author:
Kimberly Flores, the Rich Mom wants to help you get your very own profit pulling website now! It’s a snap and guaranteed! Visit http://rich-mom.biz
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Posted by Mary Grant, ProfitsWithMyLaptop.com June 2, 2007
Labels: children, father, kid, kids, Kimberly Flores, mother, Robert Kiosaki, the Rich Mom, xbox
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